
tamakon | The Business Partner

Manage your business effectively
tamakon ERP - Cloud Accounting, HR, Documents Management and Intranet

Arabic version

Features of tamakon

tamakon ERP is different from any other ERP Systems

Cloud System

tamakon is Cloud System, and always at your fingertips anywhere and anytime


You can select one of our three packages which suits your company size and upgrade in the future

Updates and Support

As long as you are member, you will benefit from our continous updates and our robust support system

Responsive Design

Built as responsive design, means it can be viewed from any smart device (Laptop , Mobile, Tablets) and Operating System

Switching between English and Arabic is easy

Easy switching between English and Arabic in every page

tamakon ERP is designed in both languages English and Arabic.

Enabling users switching between both languages, by one click you can change the language of current page and the whole system.

Customize your own Design

Users customize their own awesome themes

tamakon ERP came with a variety of themes and customizable design.

Enabling users to select from different styles of headers, menus and themes to suit their style.

Everything is Generic

Clients could customize system according to their requirements

tamakon ERP is designed as Generic System, which means every company can build their own basic data.

According to the size of company and variables required, everything in the system could be changed uppon your requirements, we have no constants.

Human Resource

Employees are the most important asset and are what allows companies to differentiate themselves from the competition yet human resources remains one of the most overlooked business functions.

Standard Accounting

Accounting System is built according to the international standards, enables the communication between Accountants and Auditors, also customizable Accounts Tree and settings.

Tasks Management

Create projects and tasks into each group, with due dates for your team to have a full control of your projects and daily tasks.

Documents Management

Easily manage your corporate documents and categorize them into types, have your documents anywhere you go.

Employee Self Service

Every employee have his/her page to control his self service, including the Leaves, Time Control, Basic Data, Salaries ... etc.

Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive web design

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